Agreed. Build recipies are cheap to host, Sun or genunix or wherever would have the master repository, but it would be very easy to build a mirror system with so little space requirements.

Admittedly, I would be thrilled to see the Companion folks make use of this once we are ready. Just as Dennis mentioned, I am more interested in software that works (and subsequently makes my life easier) rather than waging a politcal battle.

Solaris is a great product. Lets make it even better.


On 10/9/06, Dennis Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

> On Fri, 6 Oct 2006, Steven Stallion wrote:
>> Greetings all,
>> One of the largest headaches of running a desktop solaris box is the lack
>> of support for source built/binary packages. is the current
>> favorite (or so it seems), but it still very lacking in terms of variant
>> support and several packages have fallen by the wayside (the last vlc
>> package was created in 2004).
>> Something I would very much like to see (and I know others would as well)
>> is a BSD-like ports system geared towards a solaris environment. As a long
>> time BSD user, I am of course biased towards the FreeBSD ports system and
>> pkgsrc, but in all honesty, i find darwinports to be far and above the
>> best ports system available.
>> I would like to propose a solaris based ports system based on the
>> darwinports system modified to support sun tools and packaging.
>> I have a significant chunk of time I can donate to this project and I know
>> of others who are willing to participate as well.
>> Thoughts?
>> Steve
> To me this proposal sounds like a good start, the only big thing it's
> lacking -- IMO -- is some consideration and discussion of relative
> positioning vis-a-vis the Companion CD project/forum. (This is especially
> important because it's being proposed as an based
> project.) For example, should this project be housed by the CCD project,
> or should it be separate? If separate, why?  Etc.

I don't recall that the man wanted a political battle.  More like a "this
looks like a good idea, let's do it".  So I offered resources for him to get
started and then if he wants .. he can, well, you know, get started.

Who cares where its "housed".  It can be offshore in Burma or Kalamazoo
Michigan for all we care.


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