I just bought a Sun Ultra 40 - BUT I HAVE been buying Sun stock for 3 years
- I guess I am just half a fool :)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:opensolaris-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dennis Clarke
> Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2006 7:01 PM
> To: Jerome Ibanes
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [osol-discuss] Quest for the "Perfect" OpenSolaris
> workstation.
> > My first Sun was a Sun 3/60, I loved it, it was a great workstation and
> I've
> > used it for years, it even (back then) seemed fast. Since then, things
> have
> > quite changed, computers got somewhat faster and it's time for me to
> find
> > the "Perfect" OpenSolaris workstation.
> [ WARNING -   B L A T A N T   O P I N I O N S   ]
> Get any decent AMD64 box.  Do not buy new as the value of a new computer
> is
> zero at some point in the near future.  The value of a used AMD64 box is
> also zero at some point in the future.  In either case you lose all money
> invested so simply buy what you need today because all computers are
> throw-away land fill junk within five years or less. Same for cars unless
> its a Ferrari or something special.  Never buy new.  Leave that for fools.
> If you want to buy a new system then I suggest the following : don't.
> Figure out what you think you need in terms of horsepower and go looking
> for
> it.  Get a cost for a dual proc tier one brand name machine with 2GB of
> RAM.  Dual disks, I prefer SCSI, are nice.  Dual gigabit Broadcom ethernet
> is nice.  Ensure that you can drop in a decent NVidia PCI graphics option
> later on if you desire.  Otherwise most graphics works fine.  For sound
> just pop in a SoundBlaster Live! card I guess.  Most onboard sound chips
> work fairly well for general usage.
> All in all, maybe $1500 max.  With surface scratches and some mileage.
> Then go price up the cost of a new all singing and dancing system.
> Subtract the two and consider the money you just saved.
> Now consider that money as being spent already and go buy all the Sun
> stock
> you can get with those dollars.  The symbol is SUNW and just call up your
> bank and tell them that you need to buy as much as you can with your money
> saved.  Don't get shy and do ask questions.  Figure out how to buy that
> stock and buy it.  You will thank me later.
> The good news is that by the time your machine is worth zero you can go
> get
> a new top of the line machine with your Sun stock that tripled in that
> time.
>  Most likely a whole lot more.
> The bad news is that you missed out on the real meat of the money to be
> made
> because you didn't buy a boatload of Sun stock 2 years ago.
> As for build times and speed.  Who cares?  It will take 2 to 3 hours on a
> blistering fast machine for a non-debug build these days and that will
> shrink as faster processors come out.  It is a factor that means nothing.
> Every machine and processor today is faster than anything you had five
> years
> ago.  The same will be true in five years.  But you will have a pile of
> investment equity.
> If you need to buy a ton of workstations or desktops for an office then I
> suggest you look here :
> Save power, save the planet and save money too.  Get the Sun Ray happening
> in your office and once people see it and get the concept you will be a
> hero.  The next time a PC is stolen from your office then imagine the
> surprise of the idiot when they get home and its a SunRay!  Ooops.  No
> data
> lost.  No security risk.  No problem.  The boss loves you, your client
> data
> and reputation is solid.  You look like a freaking genius.
> questions ?
> Dennis
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