On Oct 18, 2006, at 11:18 AM, Richard Lowe wrote:

My understanding of the CAB's responsibilities is that the less visible they are, the better things are going. :)

Normally, I would whole-heartedly agree with you, but I think there's a difference here that requires a more visible approach on part of the CAB.

Out There, many people still see OpenSolaris == Solaris == Sun, and by way of that, direction of OpenSolaris(.org) runs the risk of A) still being seen as "Sun's thing" and B) the CAB being a rubber stamp entity for SUNW.

This may be bit of an extreme example/analogy, but consider for a moment the general public's perception of the relationship between ICANN and the U.S. government. The U.S. Government took InterNIC and spun it off as ICANN, a supposedly separate and (importantly) impartial internationally-oriented entity. However, some actions of ICANN's board vis a vis U.S. .gov policies have given the impression to the general public that ICANN is not completely impartial to its creator and its whims.

As I said, that may be an extreme analogy, but the synopsis of the ICANN situation rings up some similarities *in terms of perception* here. Just s/ICANN/OpenSolaris and s/US .gov/Sun.

Fostering the correct perception is important, regardless of how true the current situation on the ground may actually be. As young as OpenSolaris is, CAB has a intrinsic role in this.

Changes to and the direction of OpenSolaris ultimately go through one or a group of people, and these people are always SUNW people. Sure, we have our discussion forums and whatnot where both Sun and non-Sun people deliberate together, but when you get down to the brass tacks, one has to /at least/ have a Sun ID badge to agree with and make the actual changes have been proffered. The mere potential of an opportunity for [EMAIL PROTECTED] to be one of those brass tacks people does not exist, and if it will in the future, it isn't being clearly spelled out and articulated.


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