>Actually, we have considered this.  On both SPARC and x86, there will be
>a way to specify the root file system (i.e., the bootable dataset) to be
>at either the GRUB prompt (for x86) or the OBP prompt (for SPARC).
>If no root file system is specified, the current default 'bootfs' specified
>in the root pool's metadata will be booted.  But it will be possible to
>override the default, which will provide that "fallback" boot capability.

I was thinking of some automated mechanism such as:

        - BIOS which, when reset during POST, will switch to safe
          defaults and enter setup
        - Windows which, when reset during boot, will offer safe mode
          at the next boot.

I was thinking of something that on activation of a new boot environment
would automatically fallback on catastrophic failure.

Multiple grub entries would mitigate most risks (you can already define
multiple boot archives pointing at different zfs root filesystems, it's just
not automated).

I suppose it depends how 'catastrophic' the failture is, but if it's
very low level,
booting another root probabyl won't help, and if it's too high level, how will
you detect it (i.e. you've booted the kernel, but it is buggy).

Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns
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