UNIX admin wrote:
He definitely said OpenSolaris.  We should not assume
that means Solaris. We need to get away from this "OpenSolaris
== Solaris" mentality.

Why? OpenSolaris is Solaris, and vice versa. Try as hard as you might, for all 
intents and purposes, those two are one and the same.

No no no no no no no no.
and once more for good measure: no.

If you maintain this sort of mentality, then OpenSolaris will never be a separate entity. This is exactly the sort of thought we need to get away from.

Sun Solaris is Sun's distribution of OpenSolaris.  Period.

I fully support that the OpenSolaris project is trying to get visibility, and I 
also evangelize it myself, but we should not try to be artificial about it and 
create distinctions where there clearly, at the very least in my opinion, 
should be none. It could hurt the project as a whole and it could hurt Solaris.

And what you are saying is hurting OpenSolaris.

May I remind that that you had to go as far as to write a blog article just to 
try and clear up all the confusion. That is a red flag that something isn't 
quite right.

Right, which is my attempt to break up this belief that OpenSolaris is Solaris.

A year and a half later, and people are still confused.

Because people continue to say things like "OpenSolaris is Solaris"

If someone said they wanted to learn Linux, would you
by default assume she wanted to learn Red Hat?

Yes, I would. That is exactly what I would do! I'm being practical about it.

Well, I don't know how to put it any other way... you may believe you are being practical about it; but you're wrong. You're confusing the user by overly-simplifying things.

If you equate Linux==Red Hat, and OpenSolaris==Sun Solaris, why not just go a step further and equate Operating Systems==Windows?

stephen lau // [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 650.786.0845 | http://whacked.net
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