> I already installed SXCR build 51 used to compile
> Opensolaris sourcecode. Now I just want to install
> Solaris 10 latest release 11/06 on the same IDE disk.
> I burn it into DVD, boot it, go through several
> steps, and finally I come across a problem when I am
> asked to designate the partition used to install
> 11/06. It seems I cannot choose Solaris for another
> main partition which I want to install 11/06. So is
> it possible to intall both Solaris 11/06 and SXCR on
> the same IDE disk?

Yes, but the Solaris releases that are installed onto a single
HDD must all use GRUB (or they all must use the old boot.bin

You need at least one spare slice (inside the Solaris fdisk
partition). Tell the installer that you want to perform an initial system
install. And tell it to preserve existing filesystems; check the
filesystem(s) used by SXCR build 51, this includes snv_51's  "/" root
filesystem, and if you have configured separate filesystems for snv_51
for "/var", "/usr", "/opt", ... these must be preserved as well. 

Install S10 11/2006 into the spare slice(s).

Note that the swap slice can be shared between different OS releases.

I'm using the curses based installer (3. or 4. (?) in the initial
installation menu).

When S10 11/2006 is installed and running, you have to manually
fix /boot/grub/menu.lst, and add boot menu entries for the other
(preserved) Solaris releases.

For example, my /boot/grub/menu.lst looks like this:
title Solaris Nevada snv_50 X86 (b55)
kernel /platform/i86pc/multiboot
module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive

title Solaris Nevada snv_50 X86 (b55, debug)
root (,0,d)
kernel /platform/i86pc/multiboot
module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive

title Solaris Nevada snv_50 X86
root (,0,e)
kernel /platform/i86pc/multiboot
module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive

This allows me to boot three different Solaris releases, either 
- snv_50, bfu'ed to release b55 bits, from slice c0d0s0
- snv_50, bfu'ed to debug b55 bits, from slice c0d0s3
- snv_50, from slice c0d0s4
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