> A little question, how popular is the USB interface
> ADSL modem?

In many countries the telecommunication industry is yet to be deregulated, 
meaning that there are one (usually state owned and/or controlled) "national" 
telco companies, and those excersise an iron fist monopoly on their customers 
(basically they extort exorbitant prices and treat their customers like AT&T 
did in the '70s of the last centry, like crap).

So in those countries, which shall remain nameless and which as a rule are 
almost always technologically behind, USB "modems", a DHCP address, metered 
traffic with extra fees for going over the limit per GB, and an extremely 
poor/incompetent customer service is all you get. Oh yes, and one might be able 
to get ADSL in only very few, selected areas of the country, even within the 
biggest cities.
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