> No; it's something that "we won't ship, ever" because of the
> nature how lsof trawls for its events.

That's not true.

Though there are folks around who have expressed the "never" opinion,
that does not represent the opinion of all of Solaris development.
Our group has discussed integrating lsof off and on many times.  We
*want* to have it in Solaris, but doing it *right* is substantially

> That's why we've elected, in the past, to mimic some of lsof's functionality
> in other tools, notably pfiles.  I understand some of the information is
> still wanting so perhaps we should improve there.

Having utilities with command line interfaces that work "sort of like
lsof but not quite" would be foolish in my opinion.  It represents a
completely needless barrier to entry for folks new to Solaris, and the
sorts of basic questions that lsof answers ("who is writing to this
file right now?" and "why is this port open?") are the ones that real
administrators frequently need to answer.  Pfiles, unfortunately,
answers the wrong questions for those users ("what things does this
process have open?").

The right answer, I think, is to introduce proper kernel interfaces
that provide the basic information that lsof needs (where those
interfaces might be missing), and then rewrite lsof so that it uses
only proper interfaces rather than groveling about in internal data

Designing those new interfaces and figuring out how to rewrite lsof,
though, is not a simple matter, and that's been part of the problem
here.  We're caught between the seductive simplicity of just
integrating the "already working" lsof (which we can't really do) and
rewriting it to conform to expected quality standards (which we don't
have the time to do).

+1 for a project to integrate the lsof command line interface.  Design
and implementation to be determined.  ;-}

James Carlson, KISS Network                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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