Darren J Moffat wrote:
> Roland Mainz wrote:
> > Is there a nameservice-independent way to obtain the values for
> > "user_attr" and "publickey" from a shell script (if not I would propose
> > to add a extension to "getent") ?
> publickey no there isn't.
> For user_attr it depends which values you want.

I want the "raw" values as returned by |getuserattr()|, |getprofattr()|,
|getprofattr()| etc. ... /usr/bin/getent should just return the matching
values, either for the admins, users or shell script to use.

> user_attr is a little problematic because in some cases it isn't just
> user_attr you need to look at but you might then need to look at
> prof_attr, auth_attr and exec_attr as well as policy.conf.
> There are a couple of shell tools for some of the user_attr data.
> auths(1) will tell you all the authorisations a user has from user_attr,
> all included profiles and defaults from policy.conf.
> profiles(1) will tell you all the profiles a user has assigned to them
> from user_attr, and policy.conf and any profiles included in a profile.
> roles(1) will tell you the roles a user has - currently you can only
> assign a role directly in user_attr(4) but we want to change that so you
> can do it as part of a profile in prof_attr(4) as well.

Ok, but all these tools only return mangled versions of the data and not
the "raw" (or better: unchanged) values as returned by the native
library calls, right ?

> That still leaves:
>         project, defaultpriv, limitpriv, lock_after_retries,
>         idletime, idlecmd, labelview, clearance, min_label, type.
> For the user_attr(4) database what exactly is it you are trying to do
> from shell script ?

Possible usage would be a system admin to figure out whether the system
"sees" the changed attributes in a way he/she would expect it (e.g.
change/modification verification) ... I could imagine futher usage but
right now the primary problem is that there is no direct access to these
data except looking at /etc/nsswitch.conf and then implement
hand-crafted code for each possible backend type - and that's not really
usefull... ;-(

A better example would be our script which changes the X11
authentification from MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 to SUN-DES-1 if the user has
propper DES/DH credentials. If you have access to NIS+ it's no problem -
but obtaining the data from other types of directory backends can be a
serious pain for shell scripts (and if we add "publickey" to
/usr/bin/getent IMO we should add the other items in /etc/nsswitch.conf
in one step (with the limitation that the changes should be easy and
obvious), too - just to avoid that someone falls in the same pit as I
did long ago... ;-( ).



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