Josh, Rich, et al.,

> On 1/5/07, Rich Teer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Fri, 5 Jan 2007, Christoph Hellwig wrote:
> >
> > > Note that lsof doesn't have to do kmem craling.  For 
> example on Linux
> > > it only uses proper procfs interfaces.  As such proper 
> interfaces seem
> > > to exist on Solaris as well for use with pfiles it 
> shouldn't be a problem
> > > for people knowledgeable in this area to adjust lsof to 
> do the right
> > > thin on Solaris aswell.
> >
> > Have we invited Vic Abel
> Vic's name is spelled 'Abell', two e-llll

I've been called worse.  :-)  No apology is necessary, Rich.
> > (lsof's author) to join the OpenSolaris
> > community?  With the right support framework in place, he'd probably
> > be the best person to make the required changes (in lsof anyway).
> Better: Sun could hire him!

I am very happily retired and not looking for employment.

But let me explain why lsof has continued to use /dev/kmem.

The foremost reason is that I can test it as a guest on systems
where I couldn't (or wouldn't want to) have root permission.  Sys
group membership is all I need and most administrators are willing
to give that with a guest login.  (I also have a innate distaste for
setuid(root) programs.)

There are other reasons, however.  On Linux, for example, which
was cited as prototypical reason for using the Solaris /proc,
lsof isn't fully capable in one important respect, because of
a deficiency in the Linux /proc file system.  It can't deliver
current file position (as found in the file structure), so lsof
can't report it, something I have found extremely valuable when
using lsof to watch a file's progress -- e.g., growth.

A second example is the HP-UX PSTAT extensions for lsof in
whose development I played a direct role.  Bugs have surfaced
in that interface over the several years lsof has been using
it and one significant one has been the subject of considerable
discussion between me, customers and HP.  After over a year of
that, I think the bug may have finally been accepted as a bug
and may even get fixed.

Those two examples show that API's have their own limitations,
primarily sluggish response to necessary fixes.  At one time I
proposed to Sun the construction of an lsof API for Solaris,
but that proposal never went anywhere.  I made it right after
completing the HP PSTAT API, thinking its existence might be a
sufficient prod.  Now that I have struggled getting HP to fix
a simple PSTAT bug for a year, my enchantment with lsof APIs
has lost some of its edge.

Having said all that, I would be interested in joining in some
sort of effort to make lsof a part of OpenSolaris.


Vic Abell, lsof author

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