> <div id="jive-html-wrapper-div">
> Hello, Academic & Research and Chinese Users
> Communities.<br>
> <br>
> Below is a proposal to engage Academia to OpenSolaris
> community:
> Academic projects for the OpenSolaris Community. We'd
> like to engage this community in this effort because
> you have expertise
> and contacts around the world. We welcome your
> suggestions and
> participation.<br>

> Joey<br>
> </div>_______________________________________________
> opensolaris-discuss mailing list
> opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org

A couple of weeks ago a friend of mine who teaches at the Shanghai Jiao Tung 
University visited me (my house sits atop a whale sanctuary, where humpback 
whales all over the world converge during this time of the year, spouting and 
breaching).  I feel he will be very interested in doing researches on 
OpenSolaris.  However, I am sure as you must be aware, China's top universities 
have become a cut throat place, it's publish or perish, & top name professors 
are commanding salaries that will make our local tenured faculty members envy.

An important condition to encourage them to do research on Solaris is to 
provide a venue that will facilitate them to publish their work (especially on 
subjects regarding how to tailor Solaris, in conjunction of CDDL, to suit 
China's local needs & customs).  Echoing the comment from a previous poster, I 
think the project you are proposing is very significant, and from which we 
certainly will be able to widen our knowledge.
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