Hello James,

Wednesday, January 17, 2007, 2:53:55 AM, you wrote:

JD> On 1/16/07, Robert Milkowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello James,
>> Monday, January 15, 2007, 10:14:31 PM, you wrote:
>> JD> On 1/15/07, Martin Bochnig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> James C. McPherson wrote:
>> >>
>> >> > Despite the years of experience with ZFS and how it uses kmem...
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > IMNSHO the bottom line is this - if you want to have a fair
>> >> > crack at seeing what ZFS can do for you, you need a 64bit
>> >> > processor and 1Gb of ram.
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >> The OP's question had been, whether or not "Solaris 10 with ZFS" runs
>> >> __at all__ on his U10 with only 128MB RAM.
>> >>
>> JD> well it may move but it won't run, it may crawl and limp. I have a
>> JD> blade 1500 with 512MB of ram currently it plays swap everything around
>> JD> when changes from fileserver to an interactive task, it takes up to
>> JD> 30-45 seconds till i get the box to respond to a carridge return in a
>> JD> shell. The only hope of getting anywhere decent performance with a u10
>> JD> is to max out its memory.
>> IIRC Blade 1500 has ATA and there's still a bug in ata driver which
>> shows up especially when ZFS is used in such combination and basically
>> everything start to crawl...

JD> i also have a dual ultra scsi board, with 3x 18GB scsi drives and its
JD> slow as well... speed is fine, except for no ram left for userland
JD> apps.

In the same machine? And how do you know there's actually an issue if
apps speed related to lack of memory? I'm not saying it's not but just
because vmstat doesn't take zfs caches into account it doesn't matter
there's no free memory.

Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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