> Joerg Schilling wrote:
> >Mika Borner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >  
> >
> >>Innobox announced today, that their virtualisation
> solution will be released under GPL.
> >>
> >>http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/News
> >>
> >>There is no support for OpenSolaris X86 yet, but I
> guess porting the code from linux to opensolaris
> should not be too difficult.
> >>    
> >>
> I'm not so optimistic about that, see the build
> instructions:
> http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux%20build%20instruc
> tions
> Required tools include
> * *as86* (real mode assembler, usually part of
>  the /dev86/ or
>      /bin86/ package)
> * *bcc* (Bruce Evans C Compiler; often part of the
> /dev86/ package)
> Are those available for (or easily portable to)
> Solaris x86?

I'd never heard of bcc or as86 (both by the same guy) and did a little research
and found the source.

Took a whack at it late last night, and got past about 80% of the code compiling
straight, once I changed the Makefile to use /bin/bash as the SHELL and the
other scripts to use GNU versions of commands (ggrep, gegrep, gawk).  The
current supporter is heavily linux leaning.

I got stuck on the elksemu, before I had to quit.

> QEMU - on the other hand - is happy with gcc and
> binutils alone, which
> are widely available for almost any platform.
> >
> >The code is written in C++ (most liely g++ :-() and 
> >I cannot see a real source being available for
> download yet.
> >
> >If the C++ code has been written nicely and if there
> is no dependency
> >to a specific compiler and to a C++ ABI, someone
> would need to get a
> >source first and then check where the dependencies
> to the Host OS are.
> >  
> >
> Unfortunately does it appear to depend on Bruce Evans
> C Compiler.
> Worse, not only on a special compiler, but even on a
> special "as".

That compiler and assembler, AFAICT, is used to setup the bios and such.
BOCH uses it too, as well as a host of other free programs (etherboot, etc).

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