John Sonnenschein writes:
> On 21-Jan-07, at 6:18 PM, Shawn Walker wrote:
> >
> > Let's not forget its "GPL" license either which means that I can't  
> > write CDDL software (logical since this is *OpenSolaris*) that uses  
> > it (unless I dual license which I refuse to do). Gtk's LGPL license  
> > is obviously better for business.
> >
> Rubbish.
> MySQL is GPL as well, yet it's still distributed with Solaris.  
> Perhaps you propose we should remove that as well? And GCC too, since  
> that's GPL. actually, the whole of /usr/sfw should go... too much GPL...
> what a joke of an argument. 

If it was a joke, it doesn't seem so funny to me.

Software that depends on (and can't be used without) GPL'd software
must itself be released under GPL.  Stuff that's merely bundled with
it or that has special exceptions (such as with LGPL) won't have that

So, for MySQL and gcc, there's no reason to remove them from Solaris.
Your suggestion to remove them is thus specious.  Nothing in Solaris
that's non-GPL "depends on" those things.

If someone tried to use a GPL'd library (such as libqt), things would
be very much different.  Unless there's a very clear and obvious
separation, all the things built on top of that library would also
have to be GPL.  That's the "viral" aspect.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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