Eric Enright wrote:

> Hmm.  Solaris has a pretty cool KDE desktop *now*?  That is news to
> me! :-)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ (2)> ls -ld /opt/csw/kde-gcc
> drwxr-xr-x   8 root     bin          512 Apr 11  2006 /opt/csw/kde-gcc/

That's CSW.
But the new [EMAIL PROTECTED] project is already established.
So the answer is clearly "yes, OpenSolaris does have one".
A more recent one, and *now* (I'm only telling you in advance)  ;-)
The potential is there, only a question of time (and potential does
matter, as the stock market shows).

Besides that: The original article is about OpenSolaris, not about
SUNW's distribution (Hetz Ben Hamo's first misunderstanding).
Belenix, Nextenda and marTux(x86/x64 && sun4u/sun4v) all ship with KDE3,
only two distributions don't (yet?) do so: Schillix and SXCR/SX.
I also plan a gcc built MRTXkde3 pkgadd package in Q3'07.

Aehm, I otherwise agree with you.

Martin Bochnig

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