On 2/1/07, Ben Rockwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

While that would be handy, we already have a good program in place, its
just buried.  I refer to "Bite Sized Bugs".


The idea here is that if someone sits down on a Saturday afternoon and
wants a challenge they pull up the list, pull one that looks tasty and start
working on a solution.  Its got to be super easy for people to get started
this way.

Actually, I think the oss-bite-sized stuff isn't helping. I really don't
think that
a complete newcomer to the community is going to be excited by a bunch
of random bugs that ought to have been fixed years ago. And we haven't got
hundreds of contributors who started out that way. Any thought that this
process (maybe just in its current form) is a good one is just going to stop
us developing a good system.

I think we need to advertise what projects or communities need help at any
point in time, and for each community or project to identify key issues
where extra hands would make a difference. At the moment it's very difficult
even for those of us who've been involved with the project for a while to
find this
out, let alone someone coming in afresh.

People coming in are presumably doing so for a reason, and may have
particular skills and interests. How do we make it easy for them to find
the right place to contribute?

We need a bit of structure for newcomers to fit themselves into. They'll
branch out and won't need the framework once they've got comfortable.

-Peter Tribble
http://www.petertribble.co.uk/ - http://ptribble.blogspot.com/
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