Alan DuBoff wrote:

>This is really the biggest double edge sword OpenSolaris has faced as a 
>community. How can we get software putback, but how do we keep the high 
>standards that have been put in place.
>Even the customers were telling us they like the fact that Sun does scrutinize 
>and hold such a high standard. Since going open with ON, management seems to 
>want things faster, get things putback faster, and do more.
>The reality is that if we want to hold the same high standard that has made 
>Solaris what it is today, we should continue as development has been done, 
>educate the folks on how things are done inside of Sun, and help them be a 
>part of the process.
There is an alternative, which is to look for an equally quality focused
process that makes accepting contributions form outside safer and
easier.  I firmly believe that the agile practices I coach and use would
make this possible.

There isn't an instant fix, putting all of the test infrastructure in
place takes time and is notoriously difficult with legacy code.  It can
be done for new developments, starting with test first development.  I
have seen this work reasonably well with one opensource project I was
involved with (Dojo) and I can't see why it couldn't be a success with
Open Solaris.  All we require is a pilot project to trial the process.


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