Stephen Harpster wrote:
An increase in developers developing applications for OpenSolaris and an increase in people using an OpenSolaris distribution. It's reaching out to an audience that has been ignoring OpenSolaris. Embracing more people, making more friends, gets more people talking about you, participating, and developing with you. Growing the population.

I'm not sure a license change actually does much toward this (though given how vocal people tend to be when it comes to licensing matters, it may seem that way).

Making it easier and faster to get the bits, and easier and more productive to work with them would, I think, do far more. In other words, all the missing bits of process and communication that people have been complaining about.

I personally doubt that many users consider the specifics of a source license when choosing what to use (though open v. closed most likely play a part, I doubt the specifics after that point do).

-- Rich

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