> > If Sun would just get out of the way as you
> suggest,
> > and let the external 
> > folks do what they wanted, OpenSolaris would be a
> > real mess. 
> Wow - that is so wrong. You would not want to apply
> the same analogy in say a child's case, forget adults
> for a moment. Cause then it will never learn, never
> venture into depths and never take risks. You
> basically are saying that everyone else is a fool.
> That could not be right. You limit the possibilities
> by asserting some totally wrong assumption and being
>  a control freak.

You don't let a five year old play in the street.  But you
don't keep a 14 year old locked up in the house all the time,
either.  This community is still maturing, and probably not enough
so to handle everything even if all the mechanisms were in place _now_.
It _is_ certainly doing more than it used to, and plenty of things are
moving faster than your descriptions suggest.

> > 
> > We're moving to a model where changes will go into
> > OpenSolaris first, then Sun 
> > will pull those changes into their own Solaris
> > distribution. This will still 
> > take time to hash out and make work, a huge step
> that
> > has never been 
> > attempted previously.
> That is all fine-n-dandy if community controls what
> goes into OpenSolaris.

Well, even if that happens, I know I wouldn't casually change
the processes, and I'm reasonably sure I can think of at least a
few others that don't work for Sun that wouldn't either, because
they _understand_ why things are done a certain way.

Maybe someone from Sun that's been around a long time needs
to do a series of blogs on how their process evolved, and just
why it is the way it is, and the constant balance between quality and
speed of integration (if they haven't already).  Even if you think the
community could do better, I think you need to start out understanding
_why_ things are the way they are.  Hint: I'm pretty sure it has very little
to do with being a corporation.
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