On Sun, 4 Feb 2007, Doug Scott wrote:

> For you who don't know, Xfce is a lightweight desktop built using the gtk+ 
> libraries.
> Currently there is a very old verion of Xfce as part of the companion CD with 
> no owner.
> I am proposing to move the development to a project within the Desktop 
> Community,
> where it shares many components with the JDS project. The distribution of 
> Xfce would
> be up to the distribution builds. e.g. Sun could still include it on the 
> companion CD. Also
> there would be development releases using the same process as the JDS project.
> Currently I have a fully working Xfce 4.4 (latest stable), built on the JDS 
> CBE using 
> Sun Studio 11.

Finally, something that isn't discussing licenses!  (Important though
that is...)

A hearty +1 from me.

Rich Teer, SCSA, SCNA, SCSECA, OpenSolaris CAB member

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