>    Power Management on x2?  
> --Bob

Sun's developers continue to amaze me in a big way.  A few months ago, the 
system would get so hot that you couldn't run Solaris/X86 on a laptop w/o also 
installing Casper's frkit script.  With Build 56 on a Turion64 (HP ze2000e), my 
wattage meter reads 17~18W at idle, slightly lower than running either SuSE or 
WinXP.  And this was w/o frkit.  (It will be a while b/f I tried Build 56+ on 
an x2 laptop, though.)

I also had a lot of problems with the slow video (ATI cards) on Solaris, 
especially when the web page contains a lot of flash images.  Moving from 
single core to dual core ameliorated a little bit but I have resorted to always 
using a flashblock add-in to avoid annoyances.  With Build 56 I am now unafraid 
to open any web page.  I know people will probably think that I used to sell 
snake oil for my alma mater Exxon (now ExxonMobil), but the improvements are 
every bit real, and stunning.
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