On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> >contribution too but with CDDL alone it is just not possible in
> >foreseeable future. People afraid to contribute to CDDL projects for
> >variety of reasons, look how cdrecord has been forked to be pure GPL
> >project just because of that.
> >
> >http://lwn.net/Articles/198171/
> And this just proof that we do not want to have the GPL.
> This proofs the point that a dual license GPL/CDDL OpenSolaris will
> lead to a GPL-only fork at the earliest opportunity.
> Had the Debian community cared, they would have dual licensed it.
> Thanks for proving the point that we must not dual license.

On the contrary, if cdrtools were truly dual-licensed, it wouldn't have to 
have been forked. It's not, however, and that's not something Debian can 

The issue with cdrtools is a very specific one. cdrtools is not 
dual-licensed, but instead contains files distributed under 3 different 
licenses. Some people (Joerg, evidently Sun legal since Sun ships it) feel 
this mix is legal. Others (Debian, Red Hat's legal team, probably others 
but I've quit paying attention ;-) feel the mix is illegal and that 
therefore a fork from the last legally licensed version was legally 
necessary for them to be able to distribute it

cdrtools just isn't the generic proof of CDDL-GPL conflict you and others 
portray it as. It's a very specific example of the confusion that arises 
when you mix different licenses on different files within the same 

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