The first day that the CAB met, almost two years ago, we talked about
all of the things that OpenSolaris needed to do to become successful.
Central to that discussion were three principles:

  1) everyone needs to work on a common version control system
  2) everyone needs to use a common issue reporting system
  3) everyone needs to make decisions on the public lists

none of which are true for OpenSolaris today.  Any one of those
would be far more effective at increasing participation than any
change in license terms.

Personally, I think discussion of GPLv3, right now, is absurd.
I cannot think of anything more harmful for a community than
filling it up with a bunch of chattering hens that have yet
to contribute anything.  Real development is forced off-list
because such mindless discussions burn time and destroy productivity.
I wouldn't have added this message to the fire, but some people
think my silence means consent, when I really just think it is
too stupid for words to adequately express.

I wrote the Apache License 2.0.  I participated in the MPL 1.1
process.  I twice negotiated license changes with the FSF over
the issue of compatibility, and in both cases the FSF made up a
new excuse for their stance after publication.  I wrote

with an understanding that the FSF would follow up in due time,
and supposedly the GPLv3 effort will do just that eventually.
I didn't expect them to take this long, but I am not surprised.

I am far too familiar with RMS making random changes to FSF
policies after everyone else has agreed to terms.  The comments
on their website about license compatibility come from RMS,
not FSF lawyers.  Even if the ultimate result of GPLv3 is a really
cool license, it will still be a long time before we know how it
works in action.

Dual-licensing, OTOH, is a game that closed development organizations
use to retain business licensing advantages over a code base that
they know (or think they know) will not be forked successfully.
It always involves the GPL and a closed source license, in tandem,
because the GPL gets the free press of open source while at the
same time avoiding the loss of closed-product licensees for those
customers that fear the GPL).  Oh, and it usually involves a code
base that is so fugly that real open source developers would
rather rewrite it from scratch than attempt a fork.

I am not aware of any open development project that uses dual
licensing.  Open, as in, the real development decisions are made
in public with the involvement of folks outside the primary sponsor
(Mozilla does not qualify).  Dual-licensing requires copyright
assignment and a generally suspicious review of any incoming code
contributions, which effectively neuters both the social and speed
benefits of open development.

Dual-licensing GPLv3 with CDDL is easily the dumbest idea I've
heard in a long time.  There is no community to be gained there.
Mozilla certainly didn't gain any community support by doing so,
unless you count press people who have never written a line of
code in their lifetimes. All they did was satisfy one person's ego.

If, on the other hand, Sun wants to go back and re-market OpenSolaris
as yet another VC-backed closed development organization that uses
open source for free press while doing all real development in-house,
then by all means follow the MySQL, RedHat, JBoss, and assorted other
examples and release as dual GPL / private-terms.  You won't have a
community, but maybe you'll get lucky on the IPO.  [oops, maybe a bit
late for that model too.]

It's as if you guys are still reading slashdot and thinking that
those trolls are an open source community.  A real community is a
long-term group with a sense of communal understanding and shared
social relationship that has been built through working towards a
common goal.  Communities, by their very nature, are wary of
transients and shun trolls.  If you want a community, then earn it.

Simon said:
I'm very familiar with the situation at Harmony and it doesn't worry
me much as a precedent. The situation there was of an Apache project
wanting an FSF project under the GPL with an exception generally
considered ideal for the technology involved to drop the GPL (or
rather dual-license under BSD) so Apache could take all their code.

Wrong.  The situation was that an Apache project wanted to build
an Apache-licensed JVM in cooperation with the Classpath developers,
which would require their willingness to do work under the Apache
license terms.  Hence, the "Classpath exception" did not apply and
could not be used by Apache.  If what Harmony wanted was to simply
take their code, it could have done so (without modifications) in
accordance with the exception.  But Apache doesn't give a rip about
their code -- what we wanted (and what we always want) are the
developers to join our community.  If they don't want to, that's
fine -- Harmony just wanted to make an open invitation.  This was
back when Sun was saying it was impossible to do an open source JVM.

We used the same Classpath exception for Sun Java last year and it
received rapturous acclaim from the Free software community, and the
fully-open Java ME community has already seen 4 platform ports I

Rapturous acclaim?  You have to stop believing your own marketing
material.  If Java had been opened under the BSD or Apache license,
there would be a thousand new developers working on it the next week.
As it is, the only reason the Java community was positive about it
is because any open source license is far better than the previous
terms, and there was some hope that it would also mean Sun would stop
jerking the rest of the community around in regards to JSR
implementations.  Unfortunately, Sun is still jerking us around with
their TCK agreements, still violating the JSPA terms, and still making
a mockery of our prior agreements with Rob Gingell.  But you know that

Sun's use of the Classpath exception is a bizarre case of ignoring
what the text of the exception actually says, including the fact that
the exception isn't even a valid copyright license, and claiming hold
of the "free software community" because Sun knows damn well that
there is no community there to compete with Sun.  The FSF is happy
because they know the exception is nothing more than a covenant not
to sue that defaults to the plain old GPLv2.  Apache is happy
because anything would be better than the prior status quo.
Sun is happy because the free software foundation hasn't found
out about the TCK licenses yet.

Apache doesn't work the same way.  When the ASF sees that a license
doesn't allow open development under non-viral terms, we don't allow
our projects to use it because that would be misleading our customers
(the general public for which we are a nonprofit charity).  People
expect Apache products to have non-viral terms for redistribution.

Sun doesn't have that issue because Sun's real customers will get
a different license, and the GPLv2 is sufficiently viral to prevent
existing licensees from jumping ship.  Sun is not effected by the
invalidity of the classpath exception because Sun is the copyright
owner.  The only real impact is on non-GPL communities that could
have participated in fixing the bugs in Java, but probably won't
bother at this point beyond porting to new platforms.  From a legal
and community perspective, CDDL would have been a better choice
for Java, but I can understand the business concerns that would
lead one to abandon the existing community in favor of profits and
the usual anti-IBM/anti-MS propaganda.  After all, it was just two
years ago that you accused the other companies doing that of raping
the third world of its IP.

OpenSolaris, however, is a completely different world.  This
community, and all of its heritage, is based on the open innovation
and sharing that is characteristic of the BSD licenses.  If a
license change is being considered, it would make far more sense
to change everything to the BSD terms (with maybe a few extra
words inserted to make the copyright license complete and ensure
that a patent license is implied).  That would be an invitation to
a huge existing developer community which happens to be suffering
from lack of leadership and shares the same principles as the
existing OpenSolaris developers.  It would also shut up the trolls
that claim CDDL is incompatible with Linux.

Otherwise, stick with the CDDL.  GPLv3 cannot be evaluated seriously
until it is actually approved by the FSF and published in final form.
Even then, dual-licensing wouldn't make any sense, but at least we'd
have an idea of the actual impact of a switch from CDDL to GPLv3.

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