> No, that's reasonably priced. Now the issue will be
> finding somewhere to put it. I may not have a
> datacenter for my system, but space is still an issue
> :P

Indeed, in today's computing environment, two most precious resources are space 
and energy consumption. A close running third is noise pollution, regulated by 
law in some countries.

When you add these together, even in the context of a hobbyst home 
user/researcher/developer, the price of the computers is the smallest portion 
of the pie.

Apropos space, if you look around on ebay for example, you should be able to 
nab a nice, industry-grade 19" full size rack for about $300-$600 USD. 
Recommended placement location is the basement of course... if you have one.
20A circuit or circuits help too.

For about $12 USD you can get the necessary materials to do the electrical 
wiring for a 20A circuit.

And if you want to do everything right, a 5kW generator will run you about 
$1,000 USD.  UPS -- your milage might vary, they can be expensive.

I know this is probably more than you intend, but I'm just throwing options out 
there based on my own experiences and costs. Maybe they will be of help to 

> I don't suppose you have specific SPARC systems that
> would be highly recommended if you can find them
> used? I know some of the older ones are not a great
> idea...

V100s or V120s will do. They have everything one might want: dual drives, ALOM, 
two NIC interfaces, and are rack mountable with relatively low power 
consumption and the right ebay price.

If you get lucky, you might be able to nab a V210 for about $450 USD on ebay, 
but you'll have to hunt.

V240s would be a dream, but those are usually sold by greedy resellers who 
still haven't woken up and think they will actually get $2,000 - $3,000 for 
those, which is just rediculous and incredibly naive.
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