
Thomas Maier-Komor wrote:
> I thought it might be interesting to see this video and it may even give an 
> opportunity to send a link around to some people to get them to take a look 
> at Solaris.
> But - after seeing this video, I don't think so anymore.
> I am certain, nobody outside the Solaris community will be able to pull any 
> kind of information from this video or even be encouraged to take a further 
> look at it. People are scared away by this thing. The whole concept is IMHO 
> totally inapropriate.

Awww...I *loved* the fact that they interviewed Steve, someone is contributing
real time and love to the project, rather than necessarily someone technical
with deep wisdom about kernel internals.

There's only so much detail you can provide in 6 or 7 minutes - trust me, I just
recorded one about GNOME a couple of days ago [1].

However, you've got to see a *real* person - you now know what Steve looks like,
how he talks, and that's just one little step towards a more people focused
community IMO. I can't even begin to describe how valuable that is.


[1] And if you think the Solaris one is non-technical, just *wait* until you see
    the GNOME one.
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