On 02/13/07 12:56, Denis J. Cirulis wrote:

I just wanted to clean things up to me on Solaris licensing. Assume I'm running 
a company which provides online services like web-hosting, web 2.0 project 
development and so on. Can I just download Solaris and put it on my servers and 
developers workstations with no cost just for free ?
I mean I'm billing my customers so it seems to me this is a commercial Solaris 
use. Is Solaris suitable for me like Linux/*BSD does ?

[No doubt someone will remind you that OpenSolaris != Solaris, but putting that 
aside I'm
going to assume you're talking about Solaris 10 here]

See http://www.sun.com/software/solaris/faqs_general.jsp

which discusses Solaris 10:

3. How much does Solaris 10 cost?

Solaris 10 is free, regardless of the number or type of systems you want to run it on. In order to use the Solaris 10 Operating System for perpetual commercial use, each system running the Solaris 10 OS must have an entitlement to do so. The Entitlement Document is delivered to you either with a new Sun system, from Sun Services as part of your service agreement, or via e-mail when you register your systems for free through the Sun Download Center.

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