Al Hopper writes:
> for i in /lib/*.so
> do
>   /usr/ccs/bin/nm -Ag $i |grep -v UNDEF |grep gethostbyname
> done

Please don't do that.  There's no guarantee at all that the symbols
you find with 'nm' are actually supported.  If you use that (or, for
that matter, grep over header files), then you can easily produce
applications that will stop working the next time you install a patch.

Instead, read the man page.  We write them for a reason.

> If you're really desparate - you can use a find command to search every
> *.so file on your system!  This is the last resort[1] solution/substitute
> for lack of *Solaris specific knowledge. :)  But also a good way to
> explore *Solaris shared libs.

It's a brutal hack that's likely to lead you into places you don't
want to go.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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