UNIX admin wrote:
On a personal workstation, you would expect
     pkgadd ....
stall things in (say) /usr/bin where you can use them
directly in your PATH.

This will work for Sun and Sun packages, but will actually break for any third 
party packages, for example when trying to install them in a sparse zone.

Besides, the System V spec mandates that no 3rd party should ever write to the 
/usr, the UNIX system resources directory.

That directory is for the vendor and vendor alone to use, and must be off 
limits to everyone else, PATH convenience or no. PATH issues can be solved in 
other ways, whereas using /usr is just about one of the biggest faux-pas a 3rd 
party can make in a UNIX environment.

One of the things I'd like to suggest is that we consider
means for applications to appear in the default path more
easily than requiring users to edit their .*rc files.

- Bart

Bart Smaalders                  Solaris Kernel Performance
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