Andrew Pattison wrote:
The correct way to do it is like this:

% pkgchk -l -p /usr/dt/bin/netscape Pathname: /usr/dt/bin/netscape
  Type: symbolic link
Source of link: ../appconfig/netscape/netscape
  Referenced by the following packages:
NSCPcom t status: installed %
The incorrect (but common way) is like this:

  % grep bin/netscape /var/sadm/install/contents
/usr/dt/bin/netscape=../appconfig/netscape/netscape s
none NSCPcom

Many thanks - both of those worked a treat.

Note that Solaris 9 isn't Open Solaris, so if you need
help with it,
you should be going through the normal support

Since I downloaded Solaris 9 from Sun's website and am not paying for support, the only 
support available to me is "community support" i.e. mailing lists and web 
forums. Since appears to have the highest traffic forums geared towards 
Solaris users, I posted here. If you know of a better online forum, please let me know 
and I'll post there instead. ;-)
Any reason for choosing Solaris 9? It would be best to download Solaris Express and it is the one actively supported by the OpenSolaris community. For example, on Solaris 9, you would have netscape browser which is not supported in any shape or form. So much has changed and improved since Solaris 9 days. It is best to adopt the latest OpenSolaris or even Solaris 10 which active support (from community) are available :)


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