HI there,

I’ve discovered DTrace few days ago and I’m currently stuck on a cpu stats 
problem. I’m trying to poll the cpu_t.cpu_acct[] array to pull idle, system and 
user values. 
So, I made this little script: 
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
#pragma D option quiet

this uint64_t start;
this hrtime_t timeidle;
this hrtime_t timeuser;
this hrtime_t timesystem;
this hrtime_t timewait;
this int in;

this -> start = timestamp;
this -> timeidle = 0;
this -> timeuser = 0;
this -> timesystem = 0;
this -> timewait = 0;
this -> in = 0;
        this -> timeidle = curthread -> t_cpu -> cpu_acct[2];
        this -> timeuser = curthread -> t_cpu -> cpu_acct[0];
        this -> timesystem = curthread -> t_cpu -> cpu_acct[1];
        this -> in = 1;
        @user = sum(curthread->t_cpu->cpu_acct[0] - this -> timeuser);
        @system = sum(curthread->t_cpu->cpu_acct[1] - this -> timesystem);
        @idle = sum(curthread->t_cpu->cpu_acct[2] - this -> timeidle);

        printf("elapsed time : %u\n",(timestamp - this -> start));

I’m not sure that’s the best way to get those values, but it’s the only one I 
found. The main problem is that the [EMAIL PROTECTED] value is higher than the 
“timestamp – this -> start” one, meaning that the cpu has spent more time in 
idle state than the whole duration of the script.
What did I do wrong ?
Thanks for your help :)
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