James C. McPherson wrote:
2) why don't Sun provide a torrent?

Some of the third-party software in Solaris requires certain
agreements be made with those who redistribute.   BitTorrent
could be seen as allowing redistribution by people who haven't
agreed to those license terms.   If we someday made a separate
OpenSolaris distro consisting of just those parts that are
open source or allow redistribution under a license like the
OpenSolaris binary license, that could be torrentable, or if
we finally removed all the affected software from Solaris.

(I don't actually know how much there is - I've only seen the
 licenses for the third-party software shipped in X, and can't
 comment publicly on the details of those licenses.   We are in the
 process of EOF'ing one of the two bits of third-party software
 in X (Display Postscript), but have no plans to drop the other
 one (Bitstream's TrueType engine, used in both Xsun & Xorg).)

        -Alan Coopersmith-           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
         Sun Microsystems, Inc. - X Window System Engineering
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