Actually, I thought OPEN LOOK was pretty good for what it was meant for
(high resolution displays - it looked pretty poor on low VGA resolution).

Its scroll bars can let one get directly to the beginning or end, or move
quickly anywhere, or move at a constant rate, with just the mouse, no
control-mouse key combinations needed.  And its pushpins forced the
adding to Motif of tear-off menus as part of the agreement on CDE.

As a GUI, I think OPEN LOOK was better than Motif.  As a toolkit, XView
was a little...hokey, but it was meant to be easy to port to from the
earlier SunView (non-X).  The OLIT toolkit for OPEN LOOK was at least
Xt based (like Motif), so it wasn't quite so strange.  Of course, nowadays
it seems like the popular toolkits are ignoring Xt (and even X resources).
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