> Perhaps our view of the world is too simplistic also;
> surely there
> are projects which straddle many boundaries and
> projects which have
> sub projects or communities which have special
> interest groups.

Too simplistic?
When I read all of the comments here, I thought to myself:

"boy did you guys OVERCOMPLICATE it!!!"

Communities??? What??? Communities with Projects??? Who??? Where??? What??? 
Why??? How??? HUH?????...

Just leaves one scratching one's head in confusion.

It's real simple: if someone like Masayuki Murayama or Jurgen Keil or Roland 
Mainz can't be recognized as a core contributor, then something is very, very 
wrong with the current system, almost to the point of losing confidence in that 

Projects is also a problematic criteria: a project might sound great, but 
deliver *zilch* or "vaporware". Whether a project is or is not deemed core or 
important for OpenSolaris should be a concensus.

Until then, a project is just a pretty description on opensolaris.org, and 
vaporware if nothing is delivered.

What that means is, in the absence of software being released from projects, 
who fixed how many bugs is what should be the criteria on who is a "core 
contributor" and who isn't. At least from the non-Sun side.

I'm all for engineering and processes, but let's keep it simple where we don't 
have to have it complex.

And the more I think about it, the more convinced I am that we should *DITCH* 
current criteria for what makes a contributor core one.

That should be a matter of direct democracy and a concensus among the whole 
OpenSolaris communitty. And we all know who fixed the most bugs and delivered 
the most contributions to OpenSolaris as far as non-Sun members go. Cold hard 
data is right here on opensolaris.org pages. All contributions are accounted 

> We need some form to organize, but it's not easy to
> see if there is
> a proper simple model.

See above.
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