On Mar 5, 2007, at 23:17, Shawn Walker wrote:

I cannot possibly agree more with this statement. This only further
supports Stephen Lau's post about why the OGB shouldn't be intimately
involved in the day-to-day processes of the community (please read the
full blog post here:
http://whacked.net/2007/02/26/why-i-hope-the-ogb-wont-accomplish- much/).
As an example, I would like to see the OGB not have to be involved in
the recognition of contributors.

Indeed, I agree totally. And they didn't, it was left to the Communities. The direct recognition process is an exception-handling process.

As far as the OGB's powers: I think that the OGB's powers should be
limited unless they are acting as an arbiter to resolve conflict, or
to help guide the community to a decision where there is deadlock.

This has been my consistent position throughout the OGB's tenure and I believe that it's what the Governance says, as far as that's possible.

While it's gratifying to see all this interest in the governance, I only wish it had been expressed several months ago when requested.


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