> that sounds nice, we have been doing it since 2003.
> However, the 
> progress seems not big enough.

And what's with the Bejing office? Are the engineers there employed 
specifically to crank out drivers for Solaris?

Let's face it: Solaris doesn't yet have enough momentum to get major vendor 
support like Windows does.

Hell, it's been years and years and Linux still doesn't have full backing of 
all the vendors out there like Windows has; actually, the vendors' Linux driver 
support has been spotty at best.

If I said it once, I said it a million times: Sun Microsystems will have to 
invest some *serious* cash to get the Solaris driver support going. That will 
create a positive upward spiral, just like it did with Windows.

Were I Jonathan Schwartz, one of the things I'd do with highest urgency is to 
dump about one billion USD into development of driver support, no questions 

> So far I think we write drivers for Tyan, and we
> payed nVidia for driver.

Well, you must have done something right, because Nvidia works beautifully on 

nge driver on Tyan motherboards is another story...

> As for intel, we just begin the cooperation and the
> detailed information
> of who should take which responsibility is still not
> decided.
> For others, asus, lexmark, sykonnect, can you provide
> more
> information about the solaris drivers and hardware
> specs
> they delivered ?

All I know about ASUS is that I bought their barebones server and with it came 
a CD with Solaris NIC drivers for the onboard intel NICs.

SysKonnect, Marvel, Qlogic and Emulex provide drivers on their site... support 
is spotty though.

For example Qlogic only delivers a Solaris 8 32-bit driver for QLA2100.
SysKonnect SKGE-9521 driver keeps the link bouncing up and down like a yo-yo; 
the package they deliver is a hacked-up disaster.

But it's a start.
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