>Have you ever read the miles of legalese that
>comes (not for free, I imagine) with every single Microsoft product?


 There's nothing to "imagine" as such. Everything is front of our eyes. When 
you "imagine", it means you are unsure. And by the way there is nothing for 
free when you are purchasing from MS. Ha! If it's free, it's evaluation and 
nothing .

 Licensing = Streight method which says perticular user is bound to the terms & 
conditions which are included with respective  product.

 Free,Open = Not 100% clarified to end users, also to 
administrators,engineer's. They just sit and fire commands to manage Sun/IBM 
blade/Fire server's.

 Marketing people, correspondents should give brief idea of those terms before 
purchase it. In most cases from the business perspectives they avoid telling 
"terms & conditions" before selling the respective product. I think this 
discussion should start under another thread as this thread is "dedicated" only 
to "The Sucess of Soalris".

Amey Abhyankar.
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