> There is a beta of Flash Player 9 for Solaris at
> Adobe Labs 
> http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer9/

I have been able to install flashplayer9 into Builds 55b/56 (I am waiting for 
Build 62)) and 10u3.  This is a very painless process; all you need to do is 
move the existing libflashplayer.so to a backup file (say libflashplayer.so.7) 
then copy the extracted libflashplayer.so into the same directory.  Re-start 
firefox.  Done.

With regard to the suggestion to "sue Adobe" mentioned in the subsequent post, 
we need to realize that as late as one year ago, or even only six months ago, 
no person of reasonable mind would consider desktop Solaris is anything other 
than an oxymoron.  Now, of course, things have changed to everyone's wildest 
surprise.  But if no one files bug reports, or if the number of downloads is 
disappointing, we will be assured that Flashplayer 9 will stay at the beta 
level.  & there goes the conspiracy theory.
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