I was very amiss as to the history of Solaris. So thank you for that. That 
explains the why the prominence of the newer hardware. And of course makes 
Ans as for the advanced features that's why I wanted to try and hopefully 
switch to Solaris. I had read much about the system and found it extremely 
attractive for my needs. Alas, then the old hardware gets in the way.

I think open source is certainly an extremely good decision for Sun because 
that development will occur for the older hardware. That's why I still have 
hope that someday soon I'll be able to run it on my current systems, well at 
least a couple of them anyway. And if not that soon at least when I do finally 
breakdown and get something newer, however my wife does accuse me of squeaking 
when I walk.

As for the problems with installation they were numerous and my notes were 
hauled off in the trash two days ago. So I would have to go through 
installation again to give you an accurate account. In a few months I will be 
able to commit sometime to that but my schedule right now does not permit that.
Thank you all and I will be back.
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