I know there's a downloader in the patch 116464-02, but what I've
got is a 2nd-hand DK32EJ-72FC that has NetApp firmware on it,
that I just put in my Sun Blade 2000; and (if it's
possible without trashing the drive), I'd prefer to put the Sun firmware
on it.  However, the downloader AFAIK will only download to drives
with the expected inquiry data (matching model and such); if the
firmware on the drive identifies it otherwise, in this case as
Vendor:   NETAPP  
Product:  X235_HJURD073F10
Revision: NA06

it will (sensibly enough) leave it alone.

Is either (a) the source for the download program in that patch available
somewhere, or (b) some other more generic download program available
somewhere, and does anyone know whether the firmware upgrade I have
in mind would work?  I already had to low-level format the drive to
(according to format) change the physical block size to 512.  It's doing
well enough now on a surface scan, but I'm thinking I'd have less problems
with Sun's firmware, if possible.
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