UNIX admin writes:
> > I never liked the /etc/opt/apache2, and so on that
> > some distributions
> > did as sometimes it wasn't clear which apache2 read
> > what configuration
> > from where, it also made greps by lazy admins (like
> > me) painful ;)
> /etc/opt/<vendor or stock symbol>/apache2/ is the clean and correct way to 
> deliver 3rd party configuration according to the System V standard.
> In fact, one can use this across all System V compliant operating systems, 
> like HP-UX and IRIX.

It's not "third party" if it's being bundled with Solaris.  Nor is it
really "third party" if it comes from the same vendor that supplies a
given distribution.

Our own rules about /opt are slightly different from the old System V
rules.  In addition to third party software (which does indeed belong
there), we also have historically allowed (or pushed) items into /opt
if there's a potential for having multiple conflicting instances of a
given class of product.  So, SUNWspro (the compiler suite) is off in
/opt, even though it's not from a different vendor.

However, more is in play here.  See PSARC 2005/185 for a discussion of
the issues behind deliberately placing open-source software where
ordinary users might actually find it.

(Again, historically, we've gone to odd pains to *hide* the nice
features Solaris has.  This has only confused users and created FUD.
Hence the change in direction.)

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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