Alexander Kolbasov wrote:

I would like to propose a project aimed to improve ON build times. This can live either under tools or under performance or under some other community.

There was some discussion about it a while ago in the context of Google summer of code:

The goal is to make builds fast enough for developers to be productive. This is, probably, going to be an open-ended project.

-- Alex Kolbasov


(FYI: Even my fastest SPARC, a Sun Blade 2000 / Dual x7017a 1056 MHz / 8GB memory / FC-AL drives, needs about 4 hours currently [for a nightly non-debug build using Studio11 as primary compiler and using dmake] / even if the whole workspace sits in physical mem in /tmp/foo plus when not doing anything else)

GCC shadow compilation added noticable costs:
One may of course disable it in-house - for one or another personal build - (Note: I'm very happy, ON can be built with gcc and I understand that shadow compilation is a good means to keep ON gcc-clean.)


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