> Hi,
> In Linux, the procfs interface is used for more than
> just the process 
> related information. For instance, on my linux box,
> /proc/fs/nfs/exports 
> shows the nfs exports and  /proc/vmstat has vm
> statistics etc...
> It looks like Solaris uses it only for exporting
> information relating to 
> processes.

Processes and the threads within them, yes.

> Is my understanding correct? If it is, does Solaris
> have an alternative 
> for exporting more arbitrary information like Linux
> does?

As in a one-stop-shopping random dumping ground for whatever?  No.
There aren't a whole lot of places in Solaris where the word "arbitrary"
applies.  One of those is kstat data; to see all of it (but don't expect
to understand it; some of it is very obscure), just run the "kstat" command.

If you were to say what particular information you were looking for (not
just everything that Linux /proc has; some of us know Solaris pretty well
but don't know much about Linux), you might have betting luck getting
answers as to how to obtain it.
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