On Fri, Apr 06, 2007 at 11:14:14PM +0200, Joerg Schilling wrote:
> The problem is that the creators of the Linux distributions
> keep their users uninformed.
> They don't know that the command line features they see are features
> from bash.
> ... and they don't know that Linux does not come with tar but with GNU tar.
> It's not Solaris that created the ignorance of the Linux users that
> cry for "Linux compatibility.
> Solaris users and Sun however need to inform people.....

Maybe something like "you want solaris so you can feel the pain,
b***h!"  Makes for a snappy marketing campaign.

Or "You are wrong and we are right."

Or "You don't know what we want, we do".

Etc. To me what you're saying seems just as ridiculous as the above
bogus expressions because they're all denying what's pretty well
known: No-one likes the food they're being fed. Everyone eats at the
free gnu resturant. All the butts shifted to those seats. If you want
'em to come back, you can't serve the same slop.


The 5 year plan:
In five years we'll make up another plan.
Or just re-use this one.

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