On Tue, 10 Apr 2007, Chung Hang Christopher Chan wrote:

Alan, maybe Nexenta is not quite considered Open
Solaris but I had that installed and updated to
'elatte' with the b55 kernel/ON but then I had to wipe
it out with Solaris Express b59 to get the latest
iscsi-target code that is supposed to fix some issue
with the Windows iscsi initiator.

That's certainly OpenSolaris to me.

This box is the backup server for the company I work
for with two 750GB SATA disks sitting in single-drive
eSATA cases connected via eSATA cables for the zfs
mirror array besides the single sata system disk.

How did this support compare to your previous operating system, whatever that might be? I suspect Linux from the way you've been talking about it.

Does Linux have good support for RAID bundled with it?

What filesystem are you comparing zfs to?

Plugging in card, turning on box and then plugging in
the sata drives and running cfgadm twice and then a
zpool command without any 'echo "magic" > /proc/scsi'
as you do on Linux was a really nice experience. At
least this is what you have to do with hotswap stuff
in Linux 2.4. Not sure what happens with the latest
2.6.18 kernels that will come with RHEL5 which may
even things.

I'm not familiar with the support on Linux, but how does a company like Red Hat support such practice? I mean, give us something to laugh about so we can pee our pants!

How can RHEL5 even things? Can it offer you 128-bit filesystems? Does it have stable RAID support?

I admit to not having much experience with Linux RAID since the 2.2/2.4 kernel days, but the support was not anything I would write home about and the author was working on the drivers at VA Linux Systems when I worked there.

Do you use ReiserFS? Ext3? What are you comparing zfs to?

How did you configure your filesystems on zfs for your testing? How many disks did you give it?

unless of course there is a newer driver release
of the si3124 driver/SATA framework/whatever that is
behind to be what appears to be command timeouts, as
was first reported by Chris Csanady on the
driver-discuss list, leading to long periods of
inactivity during rcps of bzipped tarballs.

What's your experience? Could be other hardware related issues that he's seeing. Have you tried this yourself?


Alan DuBoff - Solaris x86 IHV/OEM Group
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