hold on a sec ...


  That thing there is my principal sin ?

  What if I were to back up a few steps to here :


  Then I diverge the path into two alternate methods for setting up the

 wdyt ?

What's "wdyt"?

Anyways, what I'm about to describe has happened to me, and has a tendency to happen often to others.

You have /, /opt/, /var and /export/home. The disk is, shall we say, 36GB? You could take any size really.

What happens is that / is 63% full, /opt is 21% full, meanwhile /export/home is at 95% and /var is at 98%.

What's the problem here? Well, several:

1. the slices weren't sized properly to begin with -- but other than a "gut feel" measure, there is no empirical method to determine the optimal sizes; therefore, it's unreliable at best;

2. now that certain slices are nearing their capacity, reslicing the disk again is going to be a careful and complicated dance macabre; not exactly something that an experienced sysadmin should get stuck with; it's like getting caught with one's pants down;

3. the way both you and me (in the above example) sliced up the disk, it is not possible to mirror the disk or the slices -- neither of the scenarios makes it possible or easy to do mirroring down the road.

To do 3., you'd have to do a `find + cpio` to the second disk, plus create mount points for the pseudo file systems... can it be done? Sure, but it requires extreme caution -- one wrong step and the system won't come back up. More precious time lost, often because of a trivial oversight.

Can 3. be performed by a newb? I don't believe that's a bet anyone should be forced to take.

Now those are just top three reasons why slicing up the disk into filesystems is exactly the opposite of flexible -- it's inflexible to the extreme. There are more reasons, but it's early morning and I'm really tired, so I'll just leave it at that.

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