I. Szczesniak writes:
> On 4/11/07, James Carlson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm confused.  They *do* have the same level of support.  Can you
> > explain why you think they're supported differently?
> SUNWxcu4 is a separate package which is IMO wrong. The package should
> be merged into SUNWcsu

In my opinion, it's right as it is.  Not everyone requires XPG4.

> and system scripts should use
> /usr/xpg4/bin:/usr/bin as PATH, not /usr/bin.

Why?  They work fine without it.

> > > It would help if system scripts use /usr/xpg4/bin:/usr/bin as their
> > > default path. This would at least ensure that such scripts will work
> > > with multibyte locales.
> >
> > You can do that today.
> No, I cannot do that without modifying all script myself.

You can do it with your own scripts.  You have no reason (that I can
see) to demand that others write their code to your restrictions.

If you do have a reason, then please be specific about where the
problem exists.  Either file a bug, or run an ARC case to set a new

> > Now, what those scripts are doing with multibyte locales is a bit of a
> > mystery to me.  I had thought that was an issue for user processes,
> > not system scripts.
> Ask yourself: What will happen if a system script encounters a file
> name with multibyte characters.

Please be specific, and file a bug.  What system script has that

> > > > If not, then just what are you asking for?  To have /usr/bin change
> > > > incompatibly?
> > >
> > > I don't think this will happen without a major shift to a more
> > > customer-friendly policy at Sun.
> >
> > We obviously have different notions of what "friendliness" entails.
> The inability to handle multibyte characters is very
> customer-unfriendly. In some countries like Taiwan it is considered a
> serious offense.

The system is certainly able to handle multi-byte extensions without
the changes you seem to be suggesting.  It has been able to do so for
quite some time.

If not, please do file specific bugs outlining where the system fails
to work properly.  Claiming that it's offensive to Taiwan without
providing specifics is just FUD -- totally unnecessary and unwelcome

In other words, I just don't understand what you're asking for, or

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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