On Thu, 19 Apr 2007, Shawn Walker wrote:

The major bit that seems missing to me is objective-c support for the
Sun compiler suite. That's one area where gcc significantly excels...


I've always considered the fact that gcc has such broad cross platform support to be a bigger advantage. The fact that you can cross-compile to so many processors, has enabled it to be the choice for embedded work.

I've heard about objective-c for such a long time, I think it was on the first "Next" box I used...

But is there a significant advantage to the extentions, and/or are those extentions widely used? It seems fairly insignificant for the most part. I've heard of some objective-c work being done at Apple, but that wouldn't matter as Apple has not shared much of their sources to date, AFAIK.

Most all of the compilers these days support the ansi c++ spec, but I haven't followed this for a while so not up on the differences between objective-c and the ansi c++ spec.

What do you consider to be the ones that would be attractive for SunStudio? The tools folks are listening and trying to keep their finger on the pulse of the community, so please let them know. They do attend and present stuff at the SVOSUG, and next month will be doing a short presie on a new tool which here is a blurb of...sounds interesting...

ATS - Automatic Tuning and Troubleshooting System

ATS is a binary reoptimization and recompilation tool that can be used for tuning and troubleshooting applications. ATS works by rebuilding the compiled PEC (Portable Executable Code) binary - the original source code is not required.

Examples of what can be achieved using ATS are:

  * Find the compiler options that give the best performance
  * Find the object file and the optimization flag that
        is causing a runtime problem (+++)
  * Rebuild the application using new compiler options

Tom Kirkley will be presenting, I don't know if he follows this list or not.


Alan DuBoff - Solaris x86 IHV/OEM Group
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