> First of all, thank you very much for the feedback,
> though it's negative ;)
> I extract some of you questions, and followed my
> replies.
> > However, after an in-depth research into the
>  Chinese-specific 
> ocalization infrastructure, he convinced us to at
> least temporarily 
> switch back to SuSE.
> Did you mean locale enabling, printing, font
> rendering, and input method 
> all? Or just input method specific? Or did he mean
> iiimf is to 
> complicated for an IM developer to porting/writting a
> language engine 
> for it? And if he or you could send us a detail
> analysis result, that 
> would be much helpful for us to improve.
> > The fact that Solaris Express sticks with
>  IIIMF--to the exclusion of 
> ll others--is also a key reason why we decided not to
> pursue any 
> possible patch-up solution. ... From our own
> experience, we have found 
> that SCIM is definitely more stable and much more
> responsive than the 
> IIIMF implemented in Solaris Express.
> We just added libchewing-0.3.0 in iiimf trunk
> repository. From an 
> end-user's perspective, I don't think the usability
> of the traditional 
> Chinese input methods is that bad :( And the "Input
> Method" project just 
> wants to provide more choices to customers and
> developers. Let's work 
> together to make it happen as soon as possible. We
> don't need to argue 
> which im framework is better now, as you know these
> two IM communties 
> had agreed to come together for the next generation
> unified im 
> framework, im-bus.
> > With regard to SunPinYin, I feel that the
>  NewPinYin is doing at least 
> s a good job if not better.
> What's the NewPinYin you mentioned, did you mean
> SmartPinYin in SCIM, or 
> NewPinYin in IIIMF?
> Regards,

Hi Yong,

Thanks for such a positive attitude--we need it.  Kevin is concentrating on his 
school work now, and is getting psyched up for his upcoming month long trip to 
China (in search of his "root") before finally settling down in Chicago for the 
next seven years.  There is nobody to work on this project at this moment; 
however, I will try to get back to it after Build 65.  I will also try to 
recruit volunteer developers from the Linux community to participate in your 
project.  Best of luck.
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