Brian Gupta writes:
> The project:
> Ultimately, the repositories for most of the Solaris OS will be
> available on with non-Sun committers.
> (What does the last sentence mean?)

It means that we're going to provide an open source change management
system on with the ability for non-Sun people to
commit changes directly.  We're not there yet, but we have to get
there.  The current buddy system ("sponsor") is just a stop-gap along
the way.

> The releases:
> (So why are people working on Nevada, if it's a Sun binary release?
> Wouldn't it also be considered an OpenSolaris reference distro?).

I think the text you're citing slightly confuses several different

Nevada itself is a code name for the Minor release that follows
Solaris 10 (because we can't seem to compute 10+1 yet :-/).  Release
management is a slightly complex area, because it combines issues of
content decisions (business choices) and allowable changes
(architectural matters), but the short answer is that Solaris has
historically been a series of Minor releases beginning with 2.0 (the
last Major release), and Nevada will be the next one.

"Solaris Express" is Sun's distribution based on the current
development bits, which happen at this point to be Nevada.

OpenSolaris is the source code base itself plus the community
developed around it.  Even after an end date for Nevada is determined,
and we go on to the next Minor release (perhaps with a new code name
for 10+1+1), the code will still be OpenSolaris, and that's where the
work is done.

Those OpenSolaris-wide choices -- including future release bindings --
will be made by the community itself.

> (This implies a goal of having a source base that has enough bits to
> bootstrap a system.)

Indeed.  See the emancipation project.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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