Yes, there are differences. And these diffs have good reasons. 
AND I don't want to "remove" these diffs.

I want that they stay so, because just for one (and important) example the 
people working on and with (Open)Solaris have their skills to administer and 
use and these skills should also work in the future.

BUT I see that today many people are just stuck in the Linux land and for one 
or the other reason cannot jump easily(!) today into (Open)Solaris.

I thought that one of the first answers to my first post would be a link to the 
thousands page of docs about Solaris (, one of the slowest websites 
I used). 
Maybe a boy(girl) in school or university can find the time and chance to work 
through this documentation set page for page.
But consider someone in work who uses (or have to use) Linux: he will never 
have the time to learn (Open)Solaris.

Add to this above the reason why SUN makes these "projects": To get more users, 
community, developers in fast time so they can make money on them one way or 
my proposal to make easy and fun to watch trainings(in multi-media form) for 
free about (Open)Solaris makes full sense : The guy at work has not the "power" 
to read all but he will watch the training videos.
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